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Family Tree of Life Drum


This beautiful large Miriam’s Drum is handmade and painted.
The size is 23″ in diameter.
We will personalize this drum for you.
We will transliterate your English names if you’d like.

The quote on it says:
It is a tree of life to those who grasp it and it’s supporters are praiseworthy.
Proverbs 3:18


Family/Last Name *

Your family’s last name
that will appear under
the roots

Mother’s name *

The mother’s first name
that will appear at the top left
within the leaves of the tree

Father’s Name *

The father’s first name
that will appear at the top right
within the leaves of the tree

Children’s names

The children’s names
that will appear under the parent’s
names within the leaves of the tree


Torah/The Bible and The Tree of Life

In the book of Mishlei (Proverbs), we read a long poem devoted to the greatness of the wisdom of Torah, including the line, “It is a tree of life (etz chayim) for those who grasp it, and those who support2 it are fortunate.”3

There are those who “grasp” the Torah and there are those who “support” Torah, both of whom are connected to the Tree of Life. The sages explain that there are the Torah scholars, who grasp the Divine wisdom they learn on a daily basis, and then there are the benefactors, who support the scholars and enable them to study. Through this symbiotic relationship, they ensure that Torah study endures, and they are both rewarded for their contribution.4

Etz Chayim Songs

In many congregations, this verse in Mishlei is included in the verses chanted as the Torah is being returned to the ark following the public reading. On Shabbat morning, these verses are sometimes sung as the Torah is ceremoniously marched from the bimah (reading platform) to the ark. This has given rise to many cherished songs that begin with the words etz chayim hee, etc.

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